So what is in the mail, before we go there, and we will eventually, it is time for a little bit fo explanation on what happened behind the scenes. This will give you an understanding of why one is the other and the other is not the one.
Pagosa 2-Way WHAT
Lee has mentioned, but it was kindly ignored, that the business is called Pagosa 2-Way & Electronics. So when we build the site it did not click… sure there at the email pagosa2way@[youknowhow], still did not think much of it.
It was when the whole site was built, orders and invoices were configured and payment systems implemented …… all with KLW World News logo’s and references nicely written. Color schemes aligned. Terms and conditions, privacy and refund policies put in place. It was after 1500 pages of text, references to KLW World News …. well not even after that…. we also added a whole lot of products and a membership engine… that….
The following conversation took place:
Lee: “DOC…. eh….. uhmmm… ‘You know what.. Pagosa 2-Way & Electronics is actually our legal trading name. That is the one we need to use for trading, tax etc’…… oh hey you know that …….. “
Doc: “WHOOOO… back up the fire truck….. PAGOSA 2-WHAT THE…”
Lee: “Yeah.. you know I told you the other day…. Pagosa 2-Way & Electronics’ (To his defence he actually did tell me).
Lee: “Doc… hey… DOC… are you there… can’t see you on the video call anymore.. DOC…?”
Anyway, the rest is history….
So here we are… on the left… (the other left), is the KLW World News Logo, and on the right is the Pagosa 2-Way & Electronics logo…. we merged them together to look sort of nice.

Long story short… KLW World News should be seen as the “news” division of Pagosa 2-way & Electronics. It started small but since has become its own driving force. Still, we need to comply with the contracts that are in place with Kenwood and the tax office needs to be satisfied. For that reason you will see the name Pagosa 2-Way & Electronics on the invoices, on the shop headers on pretty much anything money related, you will also see it on your CC and/or Paypal statement.
On with the SHOW.
So by now you would have received an email in the mail, that is what this post is all about.

The email has a few important things you should check.
- From whom it is, it will be from Pagosa 2-Way & Electronics (KLW World News). It is not, then pls let us know.
- You will have an invoice attached to it, this is for you to download, but you can do that later. It will have the same information on it as you see in the email.
- It has a PAY link on it, when you click that you will be guided to PayPal for payment.
- The Respond link is to let us know what you want to change.
First things first.
When you ordered, you most likely only ordered a radio, and that’s fine. We now know that Kenwood does not ship radios with batteries etc. So here is what you need to check.
For each PORTABLE RADIO ORDER you need a minimum of the following:
- NX-5300 VHF/UHF/700-800*1 MHz DIGITAL TRANSCEIVER – Black
- KLW Radio Programming
- KLW Antenna – WHIP ANTENNA (Standard Length)
- KLW Batteries – 7.4V 3400mAh
- Shipping $100
For each MOBILE RADIO order you need a minimum of the following:
- NX-5800
- KLW Radio Programming
- Shipping $100
We think we fixed all the orders to have that as a minimum, but mistakes do happen. If so you can change it online, or let us know and we fix it up.
Happy with the order then click PAY.
Because of the outlay, and the no margin policy on this bulk buy, your order will not be put in the bulk buy unless it is paid. The monies Pagosa 2-Way & Electronics receives before we place a bulk order defines the size of the bulk order.
This means that, IF your order has no payment transaction number associated with it, this is the number we get after PayPal or your CC company approves your payment, then our system will not include you in the order to Kenwood.
Pagosa 2-Way & Electronics do not hold radio stock, the expense is just too great for a company like that. Having stock cost money carries risks, every company that has stock on hand will “charge” future customers for that risk. This makes the price of the radio’s go up (among other things). To keep the price as low as possible we order on a On-Demand principle. This has its pro’s and con’s, as there can be a wholesale price fluctuation, yet at the end of the day you get the best value for money.
Keep that in mind when you review your order. The cut-off date for you to pay is Thursday 18th of March 5pm mountain time. (for this batch).
Ooops we have a problem.

You get that error when you are logged in as a user that does not owns the order, this could be because you have two accounts on our system OR you are not created as yet.