Green Gregs
From rocket science through to worm farming

Green Gregs
Greg is a regular visitor to the KLW World News chats, he has his own channel on YT and runs a Worm Farming business.
Not afraid to open a can of worms when it comes to discussions about space related events and even on how to get there, Greg can tap in his years of experience. For that reason KLW World News has developed close ties with Greg, also known as Green Greg.
Green Greg’s Worm Farm now offering the finest composting worms for gardening, mostly redworms, with some blues and Alabama Jumpers mixed in.
It is not only worms Greg does, he is also very knowledgeable when it comes to all things space, science and other things.
Green Greg’s YouTube channel.
Green Greg regularly posts videos to YouTube, live shows as well as pre-recorded information. Greg has a unique insight on things and regularly debunks false information on the internet.
Check out his channel.
Green Gregs BIO
HI I’m greg! Welcome to my website! I have been in the worm business for ten years. I will try to help you be successful with your worms too!
I have a lot of educational videos on this website and my Youtube channel that has everything that you need to know to get started.
I cover many 0ther topics too such as chemical free gardening, aquaponics, microgreens, wild edibles, and medicinals.
- National Space Society
- BTI avionics safety contractor at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
- Avionics System Safety Engineer at NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Owner and Founder at Green Greg’s Garden and Worm Farm