Welcome to a quick update
OH My… has LEE been busy. The KLW World News zello network is now up and running, with close to a 100 active citizens reporters. The network grew to that number within a few days, if not hours.

What is this KLW World News network about?
KLW World News has a vision which is to enable people around the world to provide real news, become citizen journalist if you like. The network allows ordinary people like you and me, to report on newsworthy events.
With the bigtech moving more and more in an editorial role, talking about things that matter to you and reporting on events that matter to you and the rest of the KLW World News community is becoming increasingly hard.
There are a lot of examples where just normal people with valid views and opinions are been removed from social media, or even worse are targeted. People have lost their jobs by just having an opinion that does not suit the masses.
Time to put a stop to that.
How does it work?
Before we go into how it works, you have to understand that the KLW World News network is only as successful as you want it to be. The network relies heavily on your input, your reports and your support.
News is everywhere, on a daily basis we get bombarded with news, to the point that it just becomes noise. BigTech heavily relies on re-tweets, click-baiting and hyping up the truth. To the point, that truth does not matter anymore. You might also notice that all the news stations are pretty much copying of each other… the news is the same, just in a different colour.
This is where KLW World News stands out from the rest, no click-baiting, independent supported by you for you. To make it work KLW World News has setup two networks, that use Zello as their backbone.
Two types of networks are available, one is NewsNet and the other is SafetyNet.
NewsNet, this is the network where you as a participant report newsworthy news. This network is setup in different channels.
Channels are basically talk- rooms/chat rooms they are set up so you can filter from where you want to hear the news. For example, if you only want to hear news from Tx then you enable that one and disable all the other ones.
Key channels are:
- 1 ALL CALL, this is the most important channel. This channel is used to notify the admin of news, it is available to everybody and it is recommended to keep this channel enabled.
- A BS Channel, this channel is quite popular, this channel can be used to chatter. Keep it family-friendly.
All other channels are grouped by geographical location/identification. For example Country–> State –>County–> City.
Where needed operation channels are set up, this enables members who, as a group, fact-checking the news can chat to meet up, share views. Operational channels are used to do the groundwork for a news story, which then gets “pushed” up to 1 ALL NEWS or state.
First off, SafetyNet was originally designed to work with Radios Only, as “TMIC” (The Man In Charge, and I lose that term loosely. TMIC is Lee obviously) realised that radios might not be for everybody. So off to Zello, we go.
Zello being Zello and salespeople being salespeople the answers to all questions are “Yes” or in the case that it does not work like that “Hmmm perhaps it can work like that”
SafetyNet, is all about keeping your safe. Giving you the information allowing you to protect life and property, by making informed decisions. Ok but what about SPONSOR? I get to that in a minute.
There is this saying “hindsight is a wonderful thing” with SafetyNet you get a “birds eye” view of our events in your surrounding area. It is NOT a service that will tell you where the nearest PIZZA place is, but it will tell you if there is a PIZZA place robbery happening near you.
So how does it work?
A lot of stuff, really a lot of stuff, happens in the background to make this happen. The administrator will monitor the news that comes in from the members on NewsNet.
Each news message is reviewed based upon its potential to be of danger for life and property. If the administrator believes there is a threat, then the threat area is marked in the system. This is called GeoFencing.
The moment you find yourself within the boundaries of that GeoFence, then you get alerted. This could be because you walk/drive or simply live within the GeoFence.
SafetyNet uses your device GPS to let us know where you are, this is an OPT-OUT and is only used by SafetyNet to send you a notification and information regarding the events.
Your GPS data is NOT stored, it is a moment in time thing, SafetyNet does not store history on your movements, SafetyNet does not publish your movements.
Now remembter, that that works really nice with Radios and Dedicated office resources… with Zello… well not so much as we discovered.
This is where the SPONSOR comes in. Instead of TMIC looking at the map where you are, despite we do not like to “pry on users” it is very time-consuming.
So TMIC created a solution for that.
So what about the sponsor?
A sponsor is simply put the account holder of your family.
WhAAAAt more new stuff? Yup.
Let me try to explain. When you get ANY plan above $35 dollars you will get the option to add more people of your family for as litte as $10 dollars. This means you can have parents, brothers, siters etc all connected to the network for as little as $10 dollars, that is pretty much below cost for KLW World News.
This is done to keep your cost down, BUT not only that it gives you additional functionality.
When you are setup as the SPONSOR, all members you “sponsor, as in discounted price” will be under your supervision.
You as the SPONSOR/ACCOUNT HOLDER will get access to a web portal where you and you alone can see where all your family members are.
You get a private channel you can talk on with your family members, you and your family members are the only ones that have and will get access to that. Privacy is KEY.
- You as the sponsor are the account holder. If your subscription expires, so do the subscriptions of your family members.
- You can view on the map, in realtime, where your family members are (if they have gps turned on).
- Safety and procedures are implemented to ensure that KLW World News does NOT notify your family members in case of emergency. KLW World News will contact YOU and you can decide how you relay that information. Eg. via Zello, call them etc etc. Remember privacy is KEY in our office.
But wait there is more.
Your safety is important, and now you are part of the KLW World News family it is even more important. After all you are the news providers, KLW World News is a distributor in that sense.
KLW World News understands the potential of SafetyNet, and realises that you might want to include family and friends. Yet those family and friends have no interest in being a citizen reporter. For that reason, KLW World News is offering Safety Net Access. For as little as $10 per month per user, you as a VIP member or above can introduce friends and family to the SafetyNetwork.
What's with all that plan changes?
Let’s see if I can address the “elephant in the room” (keep in mind I am not speaking on behalf of KLW World News).
After all that hopping around between services, like BitChute, that lemon thing network, Patreon, YouTube and anything else that is online. You must go W…, and you are not alone. There are a few reasons for that:
- Censorship
- Demonitizing
- Growing “pains”
And it is not done yet. Several people are working in the background to build this “elusive” server, yes it is there… it is finding a home and review of what and how it is going to work is underway. That on its own will be confusing… just stick with KLW World News be patient and it will get sorted.
Now, what is going on with all these new plans, price changes it feels like there is a constant change to higher plans?
Fair question, it comes down to this. KLW World News it’s owners are currently putting a lot of money into this project. At the end of the day they need to at least break even, the amount of time Lee and Kristine spend on this project is beyond payment. If you have to hire someone it would simply be too expensive. They are sponsoring it out of their own pocket and are not getting paid for their time.
KLW World News relies on memberships and donations to pay the third parties expenses, as the channel grows more expenses occur due to the introduction of new services and technologies. KLW World News is trying to keep the cost of a membership to its minimum, for that reason is tuning the subscriptions in realtime and frequently. This will stabilize over time, I believe it is pretty close to what it will be.
Personally, I think the ROI (Return On Investment) is pretty good for what we are getting. The effort and technology that is happening behind screens are immense and it is only the beginning.
So come and join us on KLW World News, meet a great bunch of folks and above all you hear the TRUTH.
A question about Safety Net. If I don’t plan to be a sponsor (form a private group), do I still need to be subscribed to the Safety Net? Just asking. And thank you.